lørdag 7. februar 2009

Thanks and have fun running the country ....

The brilliant minds behind 826 National have done just that in their newly released book, Thanks and Have Fun Running the Country: Kid's Letters to President Obama. A few days after the election, kids around the country were asked to provide advice and guidance to their new president. The collection of letters offers pages of practical, often amusing, young wisdom for the newly sworn in President.

“If I were president, I would help all nations, even Hawaii." -- Chad Timsing, age 9, Los Angeles

“I really hope you put America back together. No pressure though." -- Sheenie Shannon Yip, age 13, Seattle

"1. Fly to the White House in a helicopter. 2. Walk in. 3. Wipe feet. 4. Walk to the Oval Office. 5. Sit down in a chair. 6. Put hand sanitizer on hands. 7. Enjoy moment. 8. Get up. 9. Get in car. 10. Go to the dog pound." -- Chandler Browne, age 12, Chicago

"Dear President Obama, If I were president, I would tell people to not talk much. It wastes time. I'd also say to war: no more, no more, no more!" -- Catherine Galvan, age 6, Chicago

"Dear Obama, I have grown up with a very liberal mom and a very conservative day. Thank you for bringing my parents somewhat closer together. :) You are my idol Mr. Barack..." -- Olivia Roper-Cladbeck, age 12, Seattle

And, while it wasn't advice, exactly, we thought this was worth sharing:

"You are just like a big me." -- Avante Price, age 7, Seattle

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